Delphi Divine Podcast

Introduction: Who is Delphi Divine

Delphi Divine

Hi, I am so happy to see you here. 

It is so good to connect with you. It truly is. Yeah.

Knowing energy and frequency the way that I do this means that if you connected to me that you are ready for quantum change in your life, and that is exciting!

Welcome brother, Welcome sister. Welcome! You know, life is so good it truly is, as it is all about experiences, & some of our experiences are horrible and others are just so darn pleasing. It is such a polarity to experience yes?  It is in the polarity of experiencing both sides of what is good that we get to learn, realize, gain strength or not and what we don't digest & let go of, or accept what is ...that is where people can get trapped in the polarity/experience and it can stay with someone for a long time. Some people never let it go or drop it off as it was too traumatic and it gets lodged in their internal programming which can raise havoc on one's life. Now this is where I come in a kickass badass loving sister to assist you out cuz I truly do care call me a Wonder Woman that is my intensity for you for all my Earth family to live a Balanced, Healthy, Happy, Successful Life.

Just a little about me I choose to come to this planet to assist others as I knew my mission from a very young age. I was born with full gifts of the spirit which means I can sense, see and know how to move someone through their trauma pain & upset ie; blocks. 

I am a Spiritual Teacher with over 28,000 sessions worldwide with no advertising and marketing just word of mouth. I am a therapist, speaker, podcaster, writer. I have written a trilogy of award winning children books called Angel Heart Adventures Mission to Earth to assist the children with the bullying issue. I am a great lover of life and it delights me to witness the transformation of  peoples lives for the better.  

I have studied almost every religion, had a guru for 3 years, traveled through India, which I was introduced to the experiences of the inner planes of peace, bliss & unification and felt  infinite creation. Then went to a christian bible college as I have always searched for truth on all levels. I have had one master teacher after another show up on my path just at the right time to reveal more.  I must share with you when I am deep within One with God ... I know and realize that Love is my Bliss call it a religion... I don't it is a way of living. 
What I know most is We are so Good & Powerful when we are ONE and not separated. 

I am here for you if you can feel me reaching for you,  feel free to reach back it would be an honor to assist as we are in this together.

I offer monthly group classes and the topic changes each month and I also offer a few one on ones for the time being.

If you are ready 
Let's do this!

Much Love, Much Light 
Delphi Divine ~